Welcome to Year 2 Spring Term



Our themes this term will be 'The Great Fire of London' and 'Why is our World Wonderful?'.

'The Great Fire of London' will include learning all about the Great Fire; why it happened and how it started, why it spread so quickly and why so many houses burnt down, as well as how London was rebuilt. We will also be looking at the text 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London' and writing descriptions and diaries. Our art unit will link to drawing London road maps and creating different textures.

With the theme 'Why is our World Wonderful?', we will identify different landmarks and geographical features in the UK, including human and physical features and also locate amazing landmarks around the world. We will also learn the names of the five oceans and locate them on a map.

In English, as well as writing descriptions and diaries, we will use the text 'The Minpins' by Roald Dahl which is one of Year 2s Monty reads. We will focus on story sequencing, posters and character descriptions. We will also be reading 'The BFG' by Roald Dahl for our active read text and develop our comprehension skillsWe will continue to practise learning sounds and words for phonics to support our reading and use our knowledge of different aspects of grammar, punctuation and spelling to support our writing.

In Maths, we will practise our arithmetic skills and learn about properties of shape, money, fractions, multiplication and division. Children also have access to Times Table Rock Stars to practise their multiplication skills and are encouraged to practise our half termly KIRFs (Key Instant Recall of Facts). This term we are learning the 2X table including learning multiplication and division facts, as well as doubles and halves of numbers to 20.

In Science, we will be finding out about different materials including materials that can be recycled, how paper is made and eco-friendly materials. We will learn how to identify and classify different types of materials as well as natural and human-made materials. We will learn about plants and animals in different habitats as well as food chains. During Science Week we will be looking at food technology and a balanced diet, designing and making a healthy wrap.

In Music, we will be our developing our knowledge and understanding of dynamics using instruments; learning to compose and play rhythms to represent different things. We will also be learning to sing a selection of songs as well as play instruments to accompany them ready for the Infant Music Festival.

In ICT our focus is algorithms and debugging where we will learn what algorithms are, how to program them and how they can be developed to be more efficient through a range of unplugged and plugged-in activities. We will also learn about word processing and how to stay safe online as well developing touch typing skills. In PSHE, we will be exploring 'Families and Relationships' and 'Health and Well-Being' and in R.E. we will be thinking about the questions 'How do you know some people have a special connection to God?' and 'What is a prophet?'.



Reading Journals - Children are encouraged to read regularly at home. It is recommended you read at least 5 times a week to help you earn your Star Reader Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards. You can write your own reading comments in your planner and parents/carers can make comments too. Children can can change their reading books every day or as and when needed. Those children on Accelerated Reader can complete their quizzes at school once they have read their book.

Here's a list of websites that you can access for online books:


www.oxfordowl.co.uk                 www.freechildrenstories.com                 www.storylineonline.net


Reminders and Homework 


  • Reading - as above.
  • Homework Book:-
    • Maths - Arithmetic questions will be set every Monday and children are encouraged to practise multiplication facts on TimesTables Rock Stars each week. Children are also encouraged to practise their KIRFs (Key Instant Recall of Facts) and to log onto Active Learn to play games which relate to class lessons.
    • Spellings - Spellings will be set each Monday with a spelling test carried out on the same day.
  • PE days are on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember to wear your PE kit to school, remove earrings and have long hair tied back.
  • Please ensure that all items of clothing, water bottles and lunchboxes are clearly named.
  • If you need to speak me, you can contact me through the school office using the admin email - admin@montgomerieprimary.essex.sch.uk  

Here's looking forward to a great term.

Miss Moss